Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Platform: SponsorChange.Org

During my reign as Miss District of Columbia International, I am dedicated to making college affordable for students and graduates whose only option is to borrow through student loans.  Once of the organizations I have partnered with, SponsorChange.Org's mission is to help students pay back student loan debt through skill-based service.  Students are encouraged to register as a "Change Agent" and begin volunteering their time, skill and knowledge on a project for a non-profit organization.  Once the project is completed they are then paid through donations from sponsors to pay down their outstanding student loan debt.

This is an amazing, innovative organization which has been attracting interest from college students from across the globe.  My peresonal goal is to encourage colleges and universities to become sponsors for their students.  I will dedicate my time promoting this organization and bringing a greater awareness to universities to help reduce this worldwide issue.

Higher Education is a major decision for families.  Parents are finding it harder to help their children financially through college.  Following graduation, students are struggling to begin repayment due to the difficulty in obtaining a competitive salary.  This has been a concern of mine for over a decade as a student loan borrower as well as an educator working in the industry.  

Follow my on my journey as I work to encourage individuals and businesses to become "Sponsors" by donating to help reduce student loan debt.  For more information on how to become a sponsor, visit the website at:

"We rise by lifting others."-  Robert Ingersoll

Keia Brown
Miss District of Columbia International 2015

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