Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Social Media Director of SponsorChange

Previewing the new SponsorChange website before its launch date.
Over the past several months I have worked with SponsorChange CEO and co-founder, Raymar Hampshire, to provide my professional higher education expertise towards helping with this organization's mission.  

Earlier this month, Raymar asked me to join the team and serve as the organization's honorary Social Media Director.  SponsorChange is an innovative organization connecting skill-based college graduate volunteers ("Change Agents") to non-profits, and rewarding their service with student loan pay provided by sponsor donations. I am extremely humbled and honored to begin my duties on what is a personal mission to promote this amazing organization through social media.  The goals and values this organization has to offer can help alleviate student loan debt, while providing service to the community.  I look forward to helping SponsorChange grow; we are already planning some exciting events for 2015.  I will be sure to keep you posted as they emerge.

Watch this video to hear from a college graduate volunteer on her experience as a "Change Agent."

With the growth of SponsorChange through volunteer interests and donations, I am excited to announce that a new website is currently in production and will be launched in early 2015 in order to accommodate the rising demand.

Current Students & College Graduates - JOIN NOW to become a volunteer and start paying down your college loan debt.

Businesses and Individuals - Make a donation today to become a Sponsor!

Non-Profits - Contact us to learn how you can get skilled workers to help you with that next service project!
Follow our journey at:

"Today knowledge is power.  It controls access to opportunity and advancement. "- Peter Drucker

Keia Brown
Miss District of Columbia International 2015

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Girlz With Glam End of the Year Party

Girlz with Glam Founder & Young ladies

I was recently invited by Ms. Angelica Bowman, founder of Girlz with Glam to be a guest speaker at their "End of the Year" Party.  Girlz with Glam is a non-profit organization for creative positive change in the Washington Metropolitan region.  Its focus is to empower, encourage and support young ladies between the ages of 10-18, to dream BIG!

During the event, I had the opportunity to speak to the young ladies about 1) building self-confidence, 2) my experience in pageantry, 3) and my platform, SponsorChange.  I have to admit, the best part was teaching the girls how to "rock the runway."  The girls had a lot of fun and made my evening.

Holding the title of Miss District of Columbia International is partly about the crown and sash, but the greatest gift is experiencing the opportunities to interact with the community and hopefully make a difference in someone's lives.

Thank you to the girls of Girlz With Glam, and its founder, Ms. Bowman for the invitation.  I had a "glamourous" time with you all!

"There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women." - Kofi Annan

Keia Brown
Miss District of Columbia International 2015

Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Platform: SponsorChange.Org

During my reign as Miss District of Columbia International, I am dedicated to making college affordable for students and graduates whose only option is to borrow through student loans.  Once of the organizations I have partnered with, SponsorChange.Org's mission is to help students pay back student loan debt through skill-based service.  Students are encouraged to register as a "Change Agent" and begin volunteering their time, skill and knowledge on a project for a non-profit organization.  Once the project is completed they are then paid through donations from sponsors to pay down their outstanding student loan debt.

This is an amazing, innovative organization which has been attracting interest from college students from across the globe.  My peresonal goal is to encourage colleges and universities to become sponsors for their students.  I will dedicate my time promoting this organization and bringing a greater awareness to universities to help reduce this worldwide issue.

Higher Education is a major decision for families.  Parents are finding it harder to help their children financially through college.  Following graduation, students are struggling to begin repayment due to the difficulty in obtaining a competitive salary.  This has been a concern of mine for over a decade as a student loan borrower as well as an educator working in the industry.  

Follow my on my journey as I work to encourage individuals and businesses to become "Sponsors" by donating to help reduce student loan debt.  For more information on how to become a sponsor, visit the website at:

"We rise by lifting others."-  Robert Ingersoll

Keia Brown
Miss District of Columbia International 2015

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Greater Washington Region Heart Walk 2014

With "Sneaky Salt"
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure to volunteer at this year’s Heart Walk at the National Mall in Washington D.C.  We could not have asked for a better day for the event and the turnout was impressive.

During my volunteer assignment, I encouraged participants to Take the Pledge to reduce their daily amount of sodium intake, which may reduce the chances of heart disease and stroke.

I had the opportunity to nice people and hear heartwarming stories from survivors and those remembering loved ones lost to this deadly killer.  I volunteered alongside a vibrant woman who has suffered two strokes and has since then been a volunteer with the AHA association.  She has a great spirit and was amazing to work with.
One of my memorable moments at this year's event was not only learning how to give CPR, but also to do so for a dog.  I was given lessons at the CPR Program Booth provided by the District of Columbia Fire and EMS.  
Giving instructions to participants.

Learning how to help a dog when it is choking.

Throughout my reign I will continue to promote this important cause, along with the Go Red for Women campaign.  Visit the GreaterWashington Region American Heart Association’s website for upcoming events!

 "Research has shown that people who volunteer often live longer."- Allen Klein

   Keia Brown

   Miss District of Columbia International 2015

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Every Vote Counts!

Mid-Term Elections 2014

Today, November 4, 2014  is mid-term elections voting day.  Make your voice heard by participating in this election.  

History of Voting Rights Act

1867- 1866 Civil Rights Act of 1866 grants citizenship, but not the right to vote, to all native-born Americans.

1869- Congress passes the Fifteenth Amendment giving African American men the right to vote.

1940- Only 3% of eligible African Americans in the South are registered to vote.
Jim Crow laws like literacy tests and poll taxes were meant to keep African Americans from voting.

1965- President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act into law, permanently barring barriers to political participation by racial and ethnic minorities, prohibiting any election practice that denies the right to vote on account of race, and requiring jurisdictions with a history of discrimination in voting to get federal approval for changes in their election laws before they can take effect.

1982- President Ronald Reagan signed a 25-year extension of the Voting Rights Act.

2011- A record number of restrictions to voting were introduced in state legislatures nationwide, including photo ID requirements, cuts to early voting and restrictions to voter registration. Many of these states have histories of voter discrimination and are covered under the VRA.

Don't Make An Excuse! Vote today.  Our ancestors fought for us to make our voices heard through freedom of speech.  Don't let their years of fight and struggle go in vain.  They are counting on you!

To my Friends and Family: please take a selfie of you voting or with your "I Voted" sticker and tag me on Facebook at: or on Twitter @MissDCIntl2015!

To find your voting place, please visit:
If you experience any problems during voting day, call: 1-866-OUR-VOTE

Voting is a civic sacrament - the highest responsibility we have as Americans.- Christine Pelosi
Keia Brown
Miss District of Columbia International 2015

Sunday, October 26, 2014

American Heart Association

Healthy Heart <3 

American Heart Association Go Red for Women Campaign

The American Heart Association is the nation's oldest, larges voluntary organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Mission: Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.  Our mission drives everything we do.  

The Mrs, Miss and Teen International Pageants continues to maintain an alliance with the Go Red for Women Campaign, an affiliate of the American Heart Association.

How Does This Effect Me?

In 2001, my beloved grandmother, Shirley Green died from chronic heart failure at the early age of 65.  In addition, 75% of my family members are currently at high risk for the disease.  It is my mission to participate and embrace opportunities within the American Heart Association to build a greater awareness of the disease and implement healthy strategies to reduce risks.  Knowing is key to a long-lasting life!

My Grandparents pictured with their grandchildren.
Reason to Volunteer...

Heart disease and stroke are the #1 cause of death in the Greater Washington region.  Join the American Heart Association's mission and become a volunteer, just as I did to build healthier lives in your community today!

Register here to volunteer! 

Every journey begins with a single step, but you'll never finish if you don't start.- Anonymous

Keia Brown
Miss District of Columbia International 2015

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Representing the Nation's Capital

Keia Brown, Miss D.C. International 2015
What an honor to represent the nation's capital in the 2015 Miss International Pageant System.  As the new Miss District of Columbia International 2015, my primary function will be to proudly represent the International system, as well as promote my platform SponsorChange.Org, of paying back student loan debt through service.
Helping those give back, pay back!

Washington, D.C. is a district surrounding Maryland and Virginia full of history and culture, diversity, art, sports and our nation's capital.  A spectacular site in all four seasons, the District of Columbia is a tourist attraction for all ages!

Freer Gallery of Art
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
National Gallery of Art

American University
Georgetown University
George Washington University
Howard University
University of District of Columbia

Lincoln Memorial
Martin  Luther King Jr. Memorial
Smithsonian Institution

Washington Nationals (MLB)
Washington Redskins (NFL)
Washington Wizards (NBA)

Visiting Washington, D.C. soon?  Check out for tours, events and must-see attractions!

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."--Nelson Mandela
Keia Brown
Miss District of Columbia International 2015